Monday, July 17, 2023

Last Call


John 16:13

When the Spirit of TRUTH (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will guide you into ALL the TRUTH, for He will NOT speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears (from the Throne of God) He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.

I wanted to ENCOURAGE you this morning with incredible NEWS of what our Heavenly Father has for YOU.  Don’t let the current situation of this chaotic World be a hindrance in effecting your FAITH, HOPE, TRUTH, BELIEVING the PROMISES of God…and the unconditional LOVE that our Lord and Savior, Jesus has for EVERYONE on this planet…(and yes…that’s for the SAVED…and unsaved as well).

Expect a sudden manifestation of MIRACLES, Supernatural EVENTS unfolding that will shock the World, evil agents of darkness becoming EXPOSED by the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s JUSTICE and JUDGEMENT, forgotten plans you gave up on…as God revives them and brings them back into completion as He promised…and soon…and very soon…the World’s greatest REVIVAL will explode across the four corners of this World…giving EVERY ear the opportunity to know Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior…before it’s too LATE.  “Last CALL Y’all!!!”

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Luca’s World Episode LIII


Click Image For Article

The Lord Will Guide You


Psalm 32:8 

I (the Mighty God of Heaven) will INSTRUCT you and TEACH you in the way you should go; I will COUNCIL you with My eye upon you.

If you ever find yourself at a STANDSTILL in trying your very best to complete a project, a goal, a specific campaign, a quota at work…or…anything else that you’ve work tirelessly on…but never seemed to find the solution in finding your VICTORY…then you MUST seek the assistance of the only One Who can easily resolve ANY issue in a blink of an eye…the Most Awesome God of Heaven. 

Think about it.  If you BELIEVE that God Created EVERYTHING with just His Word alone…don’t you also BELIEVE that He can also resolve your little issue with just His Word as well?  Are YOU a BELIEVER in the valid Promises of our Heavenly Father?  Do you TRUST Him…and have the FAITH that He is more than capable to do the miraculous?  

As for me…I would rather place my TRUST in God…and allow Him to resolve ANY problem that I may face…then attempt to finish ANYTHING on my own.

Remember…nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for our God…absolutely NOTHING!!!  So Let-Go…and Let-God!!!

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Lord, Refresh Me


Isaiah 40:31

But they who WAIT for the Lord shall RENEW their strength; they shall mount up with wings like Eagles; they shall RUN and NOT be WEARY; they shall WALK and NOT faint.

Sometimes we refuse to SLOWDOWN while trying our best to juggle the hectic schedules that we’ve managed to accumulate throughout the years.  We are so headstrong that we never have the thought that just maybe…this old clunker of a body…just might need some time having a complete restoration by someone that knows ANTIQUES…right?  After all…a “CLASSIC” is a lot more valuable than a new one.

Our bodies aren’t designed to take the daily influx of adding more and even more things upon each day…there comes a moment of clarity when we come to realize…Lord refresh me with your FRESH Anointing of BOLDNESS, COURAGE, HOPE…and LOVE.

Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!!