Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Lord Will Guide You


Psalm 32:8 

I (the Mighty God of Heaven) will INSTRUCT you and TEACH you in the way you should go; I will COUNCIL you with My eye upon you.

If you ever find yourself at a STANDSTILL in trying your very best to complete a project, a goal, a specific campaign, a quota at work…or…anything else that you’ve work tirelessly on…but never seemed to find the solution in finding your VICTORY…then you MUST seek the assistance of the only One Who can easily resolve ANY issue in a blink of an eye…the Most Awesome God of Heaven. 

Think about it.  If you BELIEVE that God Created EVERYTHING with just His Word alone…don’t you also BELIEVE that He can also resolve your little issue with just His Word as well?  Are YOU a BELIEVER in the valid Promises of our Heavenly Father?  Do you TRUST Him…and have the FAITH that He is more than capable to do the miraculous?  

As for me…I would rather place my TRUST in God…and allow Him to resolve ANY problem that I may face…then attempt to finish ANYTHING on my own.

Remember…nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for our God…absolutely NOTHING!!!  So Let-Go…and Let-God!!!

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!


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