Monday, July 17, 2023

Last Call


John 16:13

When the Spirit of TRUTH (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will guide you into ALL the TRUTH, for He will NOT speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears (from the Throne of God) He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.

I wanted to ENCOURAGE you this morning with incredible NEWS of what our Heavenly Father has for YOU.  Don’t let the current situation of this chaotic World be a hindrance in effecting your FAITH, HOPE, TRUTH, BELIEVING the PROMISES of God…and the unconditional LOVE that our Lord and Savior, Jesus has for EVERYONE on this planet…(and yes…that’s for the SAVED…and unsaved as well).

Expect a sudden manifestation of MIRACLES, Supernatural EVENTS unfolding that will shock the World, evil agents of darkness becoming EXPOSED by the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s JUSTICE and JUDGEMENT, forgotten plans you gave up on…as God revives them and brings them back into completion as He promised…and soon…and very soon…the World’s greatest REVIVAL will explode across the four corners of this World…giving EVERY ear the opportunity to know Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior…before it’s too LATE.  “Last CALL Y’all!!!”

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Luca’s World Episode LIII


Click Image For Article

The Lord Will Guide You


Psalm 32:8 

I (the Mighty God of Heaven) will INSTRUCT you and TEACH you in the way you should go; I will COUNCIL you with My eye upon you.

If you ever find yourself at a STANDSTILL in trying your very best to complete a project, a goal, a specific campaign, a quota at work…or…anything else that you’ve work tirelessly on…but never seemed to find the solution in finding your VICTORY…then you MUST seek the assistance of the only One Who can easily resolve ANY issue in a blink of an eye…the Most Awesome God of Heaven. 

Think about it.  If you BELIEVE that God Created EVERYTHING with just His Word alone…don’t you also BELIEVE that He can also resolve your little issue with just His Word as well?  Are YOU a BELIEVER in the valid Promises of our Heavenly Father?  Do you TRUST Him…and have the FAITH that He is more than capable to do the miraculous?  

As for me…I would rather place my TRUST in God…and allow Him to resolve ANY problem that I may face…then attempt to finish ANYTHING on my own.

Remember…nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for our God…absolutely NOTHING!!!  So Let-Go…and Let-God!!!

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Lord, Refresh Me


Isaiah 40:31

But they who WAIT for the Lord shall RENEW their strength; they shall mount up with wings like Eagles; they shall RUN and NOT be WEARY; they shall WALK and NOT faint.

Sometimes we refuse to SLOWDOWN while trying our best to juggle the hectic schedules that we’ve managed to accumulate throughout the years.  We are so headstrong that we never have the thought that just maybe…this old clunker of a body…just might need some time having a complete restoration by someone that knows ANTIQUES…right?  After all…a “CLASSIC” is a lot more valuable than a new one.

Our bodies aren’t designed to take the daily influx of adding more and even more things upon each day…there comes a moment of clarity when we come to realize…Lord refresh me with your FRESH Anointing of BOLDNESS, COURAGE, HOPE…and LOVE.

Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!!


Monday, April 17, 2023

But By an Early Age I Found


1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Now there are varieties of GIFTS, but the SAME Spirit (of God); and there are varieties of SERVICE, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of ACTIVITIES, but it is the same God who EMPOWERS (blesses) them ALL in EVERYONE.

As someone who has “DABBLED” in music…I have had incredibly GIFTED singers come into the studio that would absolutely blow me away with their “pitch-perfect” voice…and yet couldn’t play one single note on an instrument.  And then there were the musicians who could effortlessly scale every fret of a guitar…or, master every white and black key on a keyboard…but couldn’t CARRY a NOTE in a bucket when it came to singing. Moral of this story?  It takes a VARIETY of different TALENTS (gifts from God) to make a Band (hello Eagles).

One of the greatest abuses that ANYONE who has been GIFTED this talent from God…is to keep this treasure of a GIFT secret…and away from those who may need to hear an Anointed message from the heart of God.  Anyone who has listened to the voice of Andrea Bocelli…well…you’ve heard the VOICE of an Angel.  I just can’t imagine if he let his disability get in the way of this Godly GIFT of voice and NOT share it with the World…what a loss it would have been to those that needed to be inspired Spiritually.

Long story short…what is YOUR gift?  It may have to do with smoking brisket (my son, Chad Tibbetts can make shoe leather taste like a ribeye)…you might have a skill at organizing events…or, coordinating family “get-togethers” (great job Lacey Gaitan for making Easter special at y’all’s home…and not one single catastrophe)…you may have the gift of WELCOMING Folks at the entrance of the Church (you know…first impressions are very important to “First-Time” visitors).  Bottom line here…to make the Dream Work…you’ve got to make the Team Work.

We ALL have been given a valuable GIFT from our Heavenly Father.  You know what it is…quit being a Secret Agent for His Kingdom.  Be BOLD and COURAGEOUS for our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Get out there and USE it for the Glory of our Most Awesome God.

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!
Got to go…I’ve got some notes I need to carry in this bucket.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

You Know I’m Temple!

She found her way to her friend’s bedroom. Gently climbing on top of her, her knees on her friend’s shoulders awakened her. Placing her hand over the girl’s mouth she said, “Shhhh!”


“Karly? What are you doing here?” The teenage girl asked. 


“Why did you take me to those men?” Karly said.


“Karly, I didn’t know. Honest. I thought we’d just party a little. My grandfather knew them. He was there!”


“I know he was. He raped me!”


Her friend began to understand the gravity of her situation. 


“I never did those things. You know I’m Temple! Why did you let it happen? You watched!” Karly was truly hoping her best friend would tell her something, anything that would dilute the metallic taste in her mouth at that moment. 


The girl she pinned down was confused. “I don’t know. We were just having fun.” 


Upon hearing the statement “WE were just having fun a rage began to build inside Karly’s soul. This was still her friend, but she realized that her best friend had been a participant in the real party that night.  “It wasn’t fun for me. But I love you. I know you’re not Temple, but if you ask Heavenly Father for forgiveness, I will let you go.”


Her words fell upon deaf ears. All illusions fell away, and the devil spoke.  “You’re crazy. Let me up!”


Karly stared down at the girl she’d had pillow fights with. She saw her friend in a different light. Still, she had feelings for her. She wanted her friend to be waiting for her in the Kingdom of God. God would make everything right, and the devil would have no hold anymore. Her blood must touch the ground, or floor, but it must be spilled! As for the others in the house? That Satan’s spawn could go back to hell where they came from! Putting her hand on her friend’s forehead she said, “I’m sorry” and slit her throat. 


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Something Going On

 1 Peter 3:18-20

“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made ALIVE in the Spirit, in which He went and PROCLAIMED to the Spirits in prison, because they formerly did NOT obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.”

Oh…to be a fly on the wall when Jesus triumphantly APPEARED in Hades to SHARE the “Good News” of His POWER, TRUTH, MAJESTY, AWE…and fulfilling His Promise that the Temple (Him) would be destroyed…but three days later would be built back up again.  

Can you just imagine the look of shear PANIC and FEAR on the faces of powerful demons who believed that they had just KILLED the Son of God?  ALL of darkness we’re celebrating…until HELL exploded with the Marvelous LIGHT from the King of Kings, Lord of ALL Lords…and NOW the Savior of the World.  A silence now filled the corridors of this forsaken place as Jesus PREACHED to those who met their deaths from the great flood…where only 8 Souls were saved out of millions.

The very moment Jesus whispered out with His last breath, “It is FINISHED!!!”…He was immediately…and MIRACULOUSLY very much Alive within the Spiritual Realm.  He was now all POWERFUL and in FULL command of ALL Creation…as He became God!!!  

My Brothers and Sisters…we serve a Mighty God…and we have made our decisions to FOLLOW our Glorious King, Jesus…as He alone has offered a pathway to His Home…Heaven…through the shedding of His precious BLOOD for ANYONE who chooses to BELIEVE.

Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!!

There was a lot goin on that Saturday…2,000 years ago.  Can you just imagine?