Tuesday, April 11, 2023

You Know I’m Temple!

She found her way to her friend’s bedroom. Gently climbing on top of her, her knees on her friend’s shoulders awakened her. Placing her hand over the girl’s mouth she said, “Shhhh!”


“Karly? What are you doing here?” The teenage girl asked. 


“Why did you take me to those men?” Karly said.


“Karly, I didn’t know. Honest. I thought we’d just party a little. My grandfather knew them. He was there!”


“I know he was. He raped me!”


Her friend began to understand the gravity of her situation. 


“I never did those things. You know I’m Temple! Why did you let it happen? You watched!” Karly was truly hoping her best friend would tell her something, anything that would dilute the metallic taste in her mouth at that moment. 


The girl she pinned down was confused. “I don’t know. We were just having fun.” 


Upon hearing the statement “WE were just having fun a rage began to build inside Karly’s soul. This was still her friend, but she realized that her best friend had been a participant in the real party that night.  “It wasn’t fun for me. But I love you. I know you’re not Temple, but if you ask Heavenly Father for forgiveness, I will let you go.”


Her words fell upon deaf ears. All illusions fell away, and the devil spoke.  “You’re crazy. Let me up!”


Karly stared down at the girl she’d had pillow fights with. She saw her friend in a different light. Still, she had feelings for her. She wanted her friend to be waiting for her in the Kingdom of God. God would make everything right, and the devil would have no hold anymore. Her blood must touch the ground, or floor, but it must be spilled! As for the others in the house? That Satan’s spawn could go back to hell where they came from! Putting her hand on her friend’s forehead she said, “I’m sorry” and slit her throat. 


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