Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Golden Ring


Proverbs 4:23

Keep your HEART with all VIGILANCE, for from it flow the Springs of Life.

Have you ever wondered WHY people who were once MADLY in Love…suddenly…after years of working through a relationship of maintaining a home, trying your best to “Lead” by example for the family, working to make ends-meet from dawn to dusk…and let’s not forget the truck-load of responsibilities we’ve collected over the years with our children and grandkids football, soccer, baseball, school events, parent teacher conferences, fighting for the REMOTE for the Golf Channel…or…submitting to The Housewives of Babylon…with ALL that said…SUDDENLY we begin to SHOUT at one another even though we are only 6 feet apart.

So…why would ANYONE have to resort to SHOUTING when they can easily hear your slightest whisper from that distance?  It’s because your HEARTS have drifted far away from each other and your Soul is desperately reaching out over the void trying to reconnect to the time when you both held each other close…both physically…and Spiritually as ONE.

Our Heavenly Father also yearns for the moment when you SHOUT out to Him…in that moment He is instantly beside you…calming the storm within you…overwhelming you with His abundant Spirit of HOPE, TRUTH, POWER…and LOVE.  Within that moment…your SHOUTS turn back into whispers.

Have a BLESSED Tuesday Y’all!!!  

I’ve got to go…Kim’s SHOUTING at me from the kitchen…relax Folks…Christians are permitted to throw down on a bit of humor now and again…but seriously…she’s shouting at me from the kitchen I’d better head that way…or, else.


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