Romans 12:19
Beloved, never AVENGE yourselves, but leave it to the Wrath of God, for it is Written, “VENGEANCE is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…we have the distinct advantage of discerning GOOD over EVIL through the whispers of the Holy Spirit…Who resides within us. But lately…even His SHOUTS of warnings to those who have sided with the diabolical plots of darkness…are resonating God’s TRUTH within their hearts as a sign to ALL of us who BELIEVE in the Promises of our Heavenly Father…to “Let Go…and Let God”.
It’s very easy to fly off the handle and scream at the TV screen as we see what’s going on at the “Big Apple”. Sure, we can resort to name calling and wasting our time in focusing on the blatant schemes of those who vehemently despise…not only a former President…but every single one of his family members, his friends, associates…and even 70 plus MILLION folks who casted their votes for him. But that’s not what we are called to do…we are CALLED to pray for those who’ve hardened their hearts towards the Will of our Most Awesome God.
Fortunately…there are scores of red-blooded Americans that are hearing the warnings from the Spirit of God…they have been Spiritually AWAKENED to the reality…that something just ain’t right with what’s happening with the party they believed would IMMEDIATELY reverse EVERYTHING that the former President accomplished…you know…secure borders, energy independence, strong military, Space Force, record economy, peace in the Middle East, recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel by moving the Embassy there, the lowest unemployment in history…and did I mention we were respected ALL over the World…not because of this one man…but because we BELIEVED that our God was BLESSING our Country once again with His Favor…and this ruffled the feathers of those who’ve sided with darkness. But now even those blinded by the lust for power to change our Country into a Banana Republic…are WAKING-UP and saying, “Father FORGIVE me…I was blind…but now I can see”.
Pray for our enemies!!! Pray for their Souls…and that they will come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Love them…as God has LOVED you. And remember…”Let Go…and Let God”.
Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!
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