Monday, April 17, 2023

But By an Early Age I Found


1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Now there are varieties of GIFTS, but the SAME Spirit (of God); and there are varieties of SERVICE, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of ACTIVITIES, but it is the same God who EMPOWERS (blesses) them ALL in EVERYONE.

As someone who has “DABBLED” in music…I have had incredibly GIFTED singers come into the studio that would absolutely blow me away with their “pitch-perfect” voice…and yet couldn’t play one single note on an instrument.  And then there were the musicians who could effortlessly scale every fret of a guitar…or, master every white and black key on a keyboard…but couldn’t CARRY a NOTE in a bucket when it came to singing. Moral of this story?  It takes a VARIETY of different TALENTS (gifts from God) to make a Band (hello Eagles).

One of the greatest abuses that ANYONE who has been GIFTED this talent from God…is to keep this treasure of a GIFT secret…and away from those who may need to hear an Anointed message from the heart of God.  Anyone who has listened to the voice of Andrea Bocelli…well…you’ve heard the VOICE of an Angel.  I just can’t imagine if he let his disability get in the way of this Godly GIFT of voice and NOT share it with the World…what a loss it would have been to those that needed to be inspired Spiritually.

Long story short…what is YOUR gift?  It may have to do with smoking brisket (my son, Chad Tibbetts can make shoe leather taste like a ribeye)…you might have a skill at organizing events…or, coordinating family “get-togethers” (great job Lacey Gaitan for making Easter special at y’all’s home…and not one single catastrophe)…you may have the gift of WELCOMING Folks at the entrance of the Church (you know…first impressions are very important to “First-Time” visitors).  Bottom line here…to make the Dream Work…you’ve got to make the Team Work.

We ALL have been given a valuable GIFT from our Heavenly Father.  You know what it is…quit being a Secret Agent for His Kingdom.  Be BOLD and COURAGEOUS for our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Get out there and USE it for the Glory of our Most Awesome God.

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!
Got to go…I’ve got some notes I need to carry in this bucket.

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